Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Grand Federal Convention (a.k.a. The Constitutional Convention) Washington Admits He is Human

The Grand Federal Convention began yesterday (That's when I meant to post, ah well...); General George Washington was nominated to preside over the convention. He accepted. Here is James Madison's account of what happened:

General Washington was accordingly unanimously elected by ballot, and conducted to the Chair by Mr. R. Morris and Mr. Rutlidge; from which in a very emphatic manner he thanked the Convention for the honor they had conferred on him, reminded them of the novelty of the scene of business in which he was to act, lamented his want of better qualifications, and claimed the indulgence of the House towards the involuntary errors which his inexperience might occasion.

Now there is something you don't hear from today's politicians, an admission that they are human and that they might make a mistake; or an apology when they do. It reminds me of the other George W, George W. Bush who could never admit he made a mistake, even during a presidential debate. That is what separates great men from the the lousy ones...

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